Modifying your property

For advice on any modifications not listed below, please contact the Executive Committee through the contact form.

If a unit has been modified (such as a kitchen or bathroom renovation) please contact the Strata Manager with details about the renovation so the complex’s insurance coverage is correct.


All units – Air conditioners and evaporative coolers

Owners must submit a site plan to the Strata Manager indicating where the air conditioning / ev cooler unit(s) is (are) going to be placed (both inside and outside).  A “mud map” is sufficient. Normally permission is only given for owners to install air conditioner external units on their own property, not common property.

The owner must also submit the details (make / model) of the system they are planning to install including specifications.

Once these are received, the Strata Manager will contact surrounding units potentially affected (such as next door neighbours and in some cases, units behind or in front of the unit concerned) and advise the requesting owners of the outcome of the submission.


Single level 3 Bedroom units – Replacing front windows with sliding doors

Owners of 3 bedroom single level units can replace the front window with sliding or bi fold doors provided they seek approval from the EC and provide the EC with documentary evidence that the unit owner has successfully obtained ACT Government Building approval that the new structure is compliant.

Source: Minutes of Annual General Meeting held 3 December 2013

All units – replacing rear sliding doors

Owners may replace the rear sliding door with a bi fold door provided they seek approval from the EC and provide the EC with documentary evidence that the unit owner has successfully obtained ACT Government Building approval that the new structure is compliant.

Source: Minutes of Annual General Meeting held 3 December 2013

Installation of roller shutters

Owners may install roller shutters to any unit at their own expense provided the colour is Colorbond “Sahara”.

Source: Special General Meeting of Owners minutes 24 July 2006

Installation of solar panels

Any owner can install at their cost solar panels, providing approval has been given by adjoining neighbours and the Executive Committee. The installation is to be in the most discreet position and in accordance with any law in force in the territory.

Source: Special General Meeting 8 March 2011

Last updated 30 November 2020