Author Archives: lynehamadmin

Marking of Car Spaces

Updated notice: 17 September 2024


You may remember that on 27 August 2024 the EC circulated a notice about the marking of unit car spaces and visitor car spaces. The notice said that the marking of spaces was planned for 20 September.

The marking has been rescheduled to a date to be confirmed. A few days before the new date I will advise all residents by letterbox and the Strata Manager will advise by email.

Stephen Sherlock
Chair, Hamilton Park Owners’ Corporation Executive Committee

First notice: 27 August 2024

Up until now, car parking spaces for units and visitors in Hamilton Park (HP) complex have not been marked. The Parking Allocation Sub-Committee established by the 2023 AGM has completed its report, finding that the legal requirements for a development such as HP is that it provide 2 car spaces for each unit and 1 visitor car space for each 4 units and the registered Site Plan allocated parking in accordance with this requirement. The Executive Committee accepted the Sub-Committee recommendation to arrange for the minor maintenance works to mark the parking spaces according to this allocation.

More details can be found in this note, which will be distributed to all letterboxes, as well as to owners and property managers.


On Wednesday 16 September 2020 the line markings will be updated, new replacement signs & a new traffic mirror installed in the complex.


  • VISITOR PARKING SPACES: No parking in ANY of the visitor car parks in the complex (this does not include the cement areas between units 29 & 30 which is not technically a designated parking area) on 16 September so there is room for the line marking equipment to operate. If you have a vehicle in those parking areas during the day, please park your car elsewhere for the day.
  • The area between units 18 & 19 will need to remain clear for marking down towards the exit footpath.
  • Greater than normal care will need to be taken around the intersection near units 51 & 21, for line marking & for installation of the mirror.
  • Greater care will need to be taken entering and leaving the complex as they will also be updating the markings in these locations.
  • Care will also need to be taken throughout the complex generally as new speed signs are being installed (these will be in place of the old coreflute signs, which will be removed).

Any questions, please contact the EC or

SNAKES IN THE COMPLEX – keep an eye out

On 11 Dec a brown snake was seen at Unit 9, it was removed by snake catchers.

On 25 & 26 Dec another brown snake was seen in the front courtyard of unit 17. Snake catchers were unavailable.

The residents of unit 17 will keep an eye out and call in snake catchers if spotted, but all residents need to be mindful of snakes – especially if you have children or pets or plan on gardening.

A note regarding this latest sighting has been placed in all mail boxes and close units have been notified verbally when available.

updated 27 Dec 2019

RECYCLING REMINDER – Flatten those cardboard boxes please!

It’s important at any time, but heading into the silly season, it is more important than normal for people to CRUSH or FLATTEN their cardboard box recycling to make sure there is enough room in the bins. 

Please DO NOT place other recycling into boxes and dump them into the recycling bins – it wastes space.

Thank you.

The EC (1 Dec 2019)


Please be advised that in recent times we have received reports of various security concerns.

Specifics recent issues raised have been:

  • Stealing of taps
  • Break-in to one of the units at Hamilton Park
  • On two separate occasions reports of suspicious people appearing to be “casing” the complex.

The police have been notified and they have commented that they have been aware of a rise in undesirable behaviour in the areas around Hamilton Park.

It is recommended that residents take precautions such as ensuring that their property and goods are well secured and to report any suspicious behaviour to the ACT Police on 131 444.

If you do make any reports to the police, we request that you please also advise our office so that we can better determine the extent of the security issues at Hamilton Park.

Thanking you in advance for your anticipated co-operation.

What’s happening – an update for residents and owners

The executive committee is planning to do the following in the coming months:

  • Replace the damaged concrete in the car parking area between unit 45 and unit 46. 
  • Replace the damaged concrete in the car parking area between unit 31 and unit 32. 
  • Replace the damaged roadway outside unit 33. This section of the road was dug up some time ago to repair a broken sewer pipe.
  • A general clean up of the common property including removing broken and loose bollards, removal of dead trees, cutting back overgrown shrubs and trees, removing overgrown vines, weeds like privet etc. If you have any personal items on common property, please ensure you remove them as soon as possible otherwise they will be removed by the contractor.
  • Replace old light globes with energy efficient globes as recommended by ACTSmart. This will help reduce the body corporate’s electricity bill.

We are also seeking quotes and reports to:

  • Re-plant and mulch the three front gardens
  • Determine what is the condition of our common property lights (including the electrical cabling). This report will be used to determine if the common property lights will be replaced.
  • Erect a new perimeter fence along our boundary at the end of the path going towards the North Lyneham shops. We are looking at a new fence in the same style as the new fence between unit 18 and unit 19. This will give greater security to the residents backing onto this area. The existing gates and fences are frequently vandalised and damaged, are costly to repair/replace, and are no longer effective in ensuring residents’ safety and security. This will also allow the establishment and planting of an additional community garden and recreational areas. (UPDATE – was Not supported at the 2018 AGM so has been removed from action list. Admin 2020-03-08)

You may have noticed that the stop sign and line marking has recently been replaced outside Unit 51. The executive committee encourages all residents to comply with the stop sign and speed limits to ensure the safety of all residents, particularly the many children who live in the complex.

Another change in property managers

Following the withdrawal of Strata Difference from unit plan property management we had no choice but to change property managers for the second time in 18 months! Fortunately Strata Difference arranged a seamless transfer of the management of Hamilton Park to Whittles Strata Partners (formally Strata Partner ACT), where Craig Bowditch has guaranteed us a very similar level of service for the same fees.

New property managers after 26 years

After 26 years the body corporate democratically elected to change property managers for the first time. This historic event in the life of Hamilton Park occurred with little fanfare on 9th December, 2014, but owners and the executive committee alike are looking forward to an increased level of support under the management of Strata Difference. We can already see a difference! Every owner has access to their own personalised web portal which gives them access to their levy balance and statements, make payments, access documents, make and view progress of requests to the Strata Managers, as well as follow the financial position of the body corporate and contribute to the community. The first AGM under the new management was held on Tuesday 20th January, 2015 with the largest attendance we have seen in a long time, possible ever?! This was undoubtedly due to rather than having to travel to Phillip for the meeting, Sian and Paul from Strata Difference came to us! We had a great meeting in the Old Canberra Inn, which was informative, consultative and social. We look forward to even better attendance in the future!